The IRON Series are all-levels, intense classes designed to build and tone muscle no matter where you are in your fitness journey.  They are challenging, motivating, and fun classes designed to work all areas of your body.  Instructors play loud, up-beat music that will keep you excited and feeling the burn! We offer the iron series in a few different styles:

  • IRON Strength
  • IRON Circuit
  • IRON Pilates
  • IRON Fit
  • IRON Reformer



Using concepts in Foundation Training & many different fitness conditioning certifications, this class will not be seen anywhere else. IRON Strength focuses on lengthening and strengthening the muscles used in lifting weights as well as teaching you proper alignment and posture during many lifts. 

This class will challenge your body to go beyond what you thought was possible at the same time as help you develop muscle groups that will support you to lift more. If you want to learn how to use free weights, improve your body weight exercises or improve your posture and alignment, this class is for you!


IRON Circuit is a HIIT based all-levels class that leads you through a series of different exercises at different stations. 

Each station is designed to work a different muscle group or part of your body. IRON circuit will raise your heart rate, build muscle, increase metabolic rate, and leave you feeling amazing!


Building  on the foundations of Pilates, IRON Pilates takes you through a series of exercises that build strength in your foundation and core. This classes uses loud, up-beat music to inspire you to push through! This class is high-energy with intense core training and is our most advanced mat class. Using weights to increase intensity, this class is rated intermediate to advanced.


IRON Fit is an upbeat strength class where you will learn about proper lifting patterns. You'll break a sweat in this high intensity class as you mix heavy resistance training with core and cardio. Come and get a great workout while listening to loud music and learning about your body!


This is an up-beat, high energy class with loud music to keep you pumped up! IRON Reformer is our most advanced reformer class and will take you to the next level in your fitness journey.

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